Get involved

Get involved

Why should I get involved?

Because FOCO is a repository created for all of us: OPEN, MULTILINGUAL, INTERNATIONAL, and with a COLLABORATIVE vocation. Here, you will be able to share your best practices regarding the teaching of foreign languages and ICTs, as well as to get in touch with other teachers and researchers and to share the experiences you like the most on social networking websites.

What is a ‘best practice’?

According to UNESCO, a BEST PRACTICE in education develops a new and a creative solution, a has a positive and tangible impact that can have a lasting effect and serve as a model for developing actions, initiatives, and policies in other contexts.


If you want to share your best practice regarding the teaching of foreign languages and ICTs with this community, you can easily REGISTER here and check the SUGGESTIONS in order to complete your best practice. A COMMITTEE OF INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS will check it and, if the Committee’s evaluation is positive, it will join our and FOCO´s virtual community.