Reflecting on Iconographic Representations through Collaborative and Creative Apps
Abr 06

Reflecting on Iconographic Representations through Collaborative and Creative Apps

This didactic proposal was carried out in the framework of a three weeks study abroad program at The University of Salamanca International Courses. The student cohort consisted of 15 students from Nanzan University with a B1 communicative competence level in the Common European Framework of the Languages. However, this dynamic is suitable for students of any backgrounds, from B1 to C2 second language users.

This activity aims to develop intercultural competence understood as a continuous dialogue among complex identities to enhance social justice. This notion of intercultural competence is understood as a dynamic construct that changes depending on each context and assumes that there is no simple recipe for achieving intercultural competence. Instead, intercultural competence becomes the responsibility of the individuals who are involved in a given interaction (Dervin & Gross, 2016). Therefore, an additional learning objective of this activity is developing awareness, given the relevance of reflection and interpretation for the purposes of intercultural mediation (McConachy & Liddicoat, 2016). These two skills become particularly relevant in the context of a study abroad program, given the immediate opportunity to put them in practice.

The didactic sequence is structured in three stages explained in detail in the results section:

1. Meta-awareness. Before starting a discussion on intercultural interactions there is a reflection on personal experiences on the topic of studying abroad through the collaborative app Padlet.

2. Knowledge. Students visualize and respond to an interactive video on stereotypes including open-answer questions through Edpuzzle

3. Awareness in Practice. Students engage in a guided discussion about the interactive video and use first iconography through the creative tools provided by Padlet and next language in order to describe themselves.

Lengua enseñada
Intermedio (B)
Fecha de comienzo
04 / 03 / 2019
Fecha de finalización
22 / 03 / 2019
Creado en
Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca (ES)
Implementado en
Cursos Internacionales de la Universidad de Salamanca (ES)
Educación superior
Tecnología utilizada
- Publicación y difusión online (blogs, páginas web, herramientas de roboperiodismo, aplicaciones de curación de contenidos, líneas del tiempo, mapas conceptuales, etc.) - Colaboración online (wikis, software y apps colaborativas (Google docs, etc.), marcadores sociales, preguntas y respuestas sociales, etc.) - Dispositivos (ordenadores de sobremesa, portátiles, móviles inteligentes, tabletas, TV, vídeoconsolas, pizarras electrónicas interactivas, etc.) - Utilización y creación de audiovisuales (recursos en audio (podcasts, etc.) y vídeo (doblaje y subtitulación), etc.)
Técnicas docentes
- Enseñanza presencial / Blended learning / Online - Aprendizaje basado en estudio de casos - Aprendizaje basado en resolución de problemas - Aprendizaje colaborativo-cooperativo
¿Cómo citar esta buena práctica?
Carbajal Carrera, Beatriz; Photo credit by Lidya Nada at Unsplash. (2019). "Reflecting on Iconographic Representations through Collaborative and Creative Apps". En línea: Repositorio FOCO [09-05-2024].