Assessing written production using Popplet
Jun 02

Assessing written production using Popplet

This practice harnesses the affordances of the Popplet application to relaunch a storytelling writing task within TCD's institution-wide language programme. In the former version of this task, learners were asked to rewrite a story in their own words, by simply brainstorming, drafting and typing up a document. This practice uses the features of Popplet which allow visualisation, mind mapping and also collaborative project work to present a flowing and attractive narrative for readers, supported by images and drawings as well as text in a variety of colours, sizes and forms. This project asks students to select and retell a famous English story from any genre, e.g. a fairy story, a children’s tale, a play, or piece of science fiction. Students are assessed on their spoken productive using a holistic rating scale, and are also expected to include a structured list (or Popple) of new vocabulary in their Popplet. The story can be as long as students like, but it must not shorter than 300 words, organised into different Popples within the Popplet. Students are encouraged to use as wide a range of grammatical structures and vocabulary items, especially new terms and items that are specific to the genre they have selected. The attached Popplet explains the task to students. 

Lengua enseñada
Intermedio (B)
Fecha de comienzo
01 / 01 / 2018
Fecha de finalización
30 / 06 / 2018
Creado en
Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Implementado en
Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Educación superior
Tecnología utilizada
- Colaboración online (wikis, software y apps colaborativas (Google docs, etc.), marcadores sociales, preguntas y respuestas sociales, etc.) - Dispositivos (ordenadores de sobremesa, portátiles, móviles inteligentes, tabletas, TV, vídeoconsolas, pizarras electrónicas interactivas, etc.) - Evaluación y feedback (cuestionarios, analítica del aprendizaje, encuestas, sondeos, tests, etc.)
Técnicas docentes
- Enseñanza presencial / Blended learning / Online - Aprendizaje basado en proyectos - Aprendizaje colaborativo-cooperativo - Evaluación / autoevaluación / Evaluación por pares / Evaluación colectiva
Información de contacto
Dr Lorna Carson
Centre for Language and Communication Studies
School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences
¿Cómo citar esta buena práctica?
Carson, Lorna. (2018). "Assessing written production using Popplet". En línea: Repositorio FOCO [07-05-2024].