Formative Testing for adult migrants preparing for higher education: Suggested testing constructs, tasks and rating scales
Jun 01

Formative Testing for adult migrants preparing for higher education: Suggested testing constructs, tasks and rating scales

This testing framework includes a set of testing constructs, test tasks and rating scales developed over several months based on the needs of adult migrants preparing for entry into Higher Education. Using the descriptors and competences described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the team developed a open testing model that would allow adult learners to prepare for the requirements of English language proficiency tests such as IELTS, necessary for entry into universities. This assessment provides an intermediate step for learners to engage in smaller and more approachable versions of the test tasks they will eventually have to prepare for international proficiency tests. 

Lengua enseñada
Intermedio (B)
Fecha de comienzo
07 / 01 / 2018
Fecha de finalización
23 / 03 / 2018
Creado en
Trinity College Dublin (IE)
Implementado en
Centre for Language and Communication Studies, Trinity College Dublin (IE)
- Educación superior - Formación de formadores - Aprendizaje continuo
Tecnología utilizada
- Evaluación y feedback (cuestionarios, analítica del aprendizaje, encuestas, sondeos, tests, etc.)
Técnicas docentes
- Enseñanza presencial / Blended learning / Online - Clase magistral / Prácticas / Seminarios / Presentaciones orales / Grupos de discusión / Servicio a la comunidad
Información de contacto
Dr Lorna Carson, Centre for Language and Communication Studies
Room 4019, Arts Building
Trinity College, The University of Dublin
Dublin 2, Ireland
¿Cómo citar esta buena práctica?
Carson, Lorna; Chavez, Daniel Izzeddin, Azad Nolan, Kevin Willoughby, Roy. (2018). "Formative Testing for adult migrants preparing for higher education: Suggested testing constructs, tasks and rating scales". En línea: Repositorio FOCO [06-05-2024].